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Arthritis in Dogs: Causes for Reasons, Symptoms and Treatment

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Is Arthritis in dogs a disease without a cure? How does usually a dog behave that suffers from this disease? What are the characteristics of a dog that suffers? We explain in detail all the doubts about Arthritis in our dogs.

The dogs also suffer notable body wear throughout their lives. Diseases and health problems are inevitable. One of the possible signs of the passage of time in our pet is Arthritis in dogs.

Arthritis in Dogs
How to Treat Arthritis in Dogs

The wear of joint cartilages is also a reality in our dogs. Therefore, it is advisable to know the main reasons that cause osteoarthritis in dogs, the main symptoms of it and the most effective treatment to calm the discomfort of this pathology. Read on to learn all about osteoarthritis in dogs.

What is Arthritis in Dogs?

Osteoarthritis in dogs does not differ much from that suffered by humans. When we speak of it, we refer to a degenerative disease that consists of the wearing down of the cartilages that are located in a certain articulation of the canine bony system.

What is Arthritis

These cartilages, when the dog is young enjoy the flexibility, fat, lubricant and nutrients necessary to fulfill a  protective function in the canine skeleton. However, gradually each cartilage loses these properties causing wear on them and the subsequent friction that arises between the bones.

This friction between bony structures has numerous negative consequences for the Dog. All of them you can see in the section Symptoms of dogs with arthrosis.

Causes of Arthritis in Dog

There are a number of causes that multiply the chances of a dog suffering from this bone-joint disease. If you want to discover how many possibilities you can have of suffering, read carefully the following points:

AGING of Dogs

As we have already mentioned, Arthritis in dogs is a degenerative disease that arises in the body of the dog due to the wear of the cartilages. Aging is the main reason why this disorder appears in the body of dogs.

However, the fact of aging does not directly imply suffering from this pathology. There are dogs with many years who do not suffer from this disorder and others who on the other hand, are younger and do suffer from it. Therefore, we must also take into account the other factors that we explain below.


We are talking about one of the most basic factors of osteoarthritis in dogs. This disease is closely related to larger dogs. German Shepherd, Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Rottweiler and more dogs of medium and large size are prone to suffer this pathology so painful and annoying.

Therefore, it is always advisable to have the supervision of the best veterinarians to carry out the relevant reviews and diagnose osteoarthritis in dogs as soon as possible.


If your dog is large and is overweighted, he will face an almost certain case of osteoarthritis. The extra kilos cause the cartilage of the joints to wear much faster, accelerating the friction between the bones that make them up.

Do you have doubts if your pet is overweight or obese? Do you think that your dog can spare kilos? Check our article Obese Dogs: reasons and diets for dogs to lose weight and solve all your doubts.

Symptoms of Dogs with Arthritis

It is logical that you ask yourself what are the behaviors carried out by a dog with osteoarthritis. The pain in the area of the joint, the reduction of movement, muscular atrophy, and bone deformations are the symptoms that condition the behavior of dogs and their movements when they have this disorder.

Symptoms Of Dogs With Arthrosis

One of the areas most prone to suffer from this disease is the hip. Arthritis of the hip is very common in dogs and in many cases is caused by a hip dysplasia developed in the growth of the Dog. Here we remind you what is hip dysplasia in dogs.

In the coldest times of the year, the symptoms that we have mentioned are worse. Winter is the worst season for dogs suffering from this disease as the cold intensifies the discomfort and pain of it.

Behavior of Dogs with Arthritis

The symptoms mentioned in the previous section imply a series of behaviors that are the ones that, in reality, will give you the keys to find out if your dog has or does not have osteoarthritis. Here are the most repeated behaviors by dogs with this disorder:

Stiff Gait

The way of walking is not natural. The limitation of movements is noted and the body of the dog progresses rigidly.

Lameness of Different Severity

The rigidity of the body is not the only characteristic when the dog walks. We also contemplate a remarkable lameness in those cases of osteoarthritis in the extremities.

Apparent laziness when going up and down stairs

The pain prevents dogs with osteoarthritis from wanting to move and less to go up or downstairs. Situations in which the joints have to support more weight.

Expensive surveys

The dog seems very comfortable when lying down. However, the bad comes when he wants to sit up. Getting up off the floor also means overexertion that joints with osteoarthritis are responsible for reminding you with more pain and discomfort.

Reluctant to Caresses

If your dog loved to be caressed and now avoids having any physical contact, it is likely that he has some bodily disorder that causes pain such as osteoarthritis. Even so, it is important to know how and where to pet a dog, information.

Not wanting to go outside

The discomfort and pain caused by this disease are more than enough reasons for your pet to show no desire to go out.

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Treatment for Arthritis in Dogs

If your dog responds to any of the strange behaviors mentioned in the previous section, it is likely that he may suffer from osteoarthritis. Therefore, the first thing you should do is to go to the veterinarian urgently. So that he can carry out the relevant tests.

Once the disorder has been diagnosed. The professional will be responsible for establishing a specific treatment for Arthritis. Unfortunately, will not end the disease. As we have already pointed out, arthrosis is a pathology that arises as a result of the aging of the animal. Therefore, it has no cure… In this way, the treatment will only calm the symptoms of the animal so that it can have a day to day as normal as possible.

Treatment for Arthrosis in Dogs

Among the most used treatments are anti-inflammatories, which can be medicated either orally or by injection. These medications must be thoroughly studied by the veterinarian before prescribing them, as they can involve numerous side effects.

Other alternative treatments that are increasingly current are acupuncture and hydrotherapy. Both practices are very useful to deal with the continuing pain that the dogs suffer when they suffer from osteoarthritis.


Hence, You have learned all and got explored to the complete information of Arthrosis in Dogs along with their reasons for causes in dogs, Symptoms, and treatments. We hope you like this article and willing to share the article with friends and families. Feel free to ask your questions in the comment box below. Stay tuned to dogsfud for more awesome information on dogs.

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