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Is Benadryl Safe for Dogs? Can I Give Benadryl to My Dog?

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Benadryl Safe for Dogs: Benadryl, also known as Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride. It is a drug that is commonly used in humans to reduce the allergy symptoms associated with insect bites or stings. However, there is also the choice to use Benadryl for dogs, as the drug is safe for use in animals.

Benadryl is very effective in reducing the swelling due to allergies to biting bites in humans and can be safely applied to dogs too. The drug will have the same effect as in humans.

benadryl safe for dogs
Is Benadryl Safe for Dogs

Dogs can be allergic to insect bites or bites and swelling can be severe. If the bite or bite is located in the throat or mouth area, the allergic reaction can be life-threatening. In this article, DogsFud.com is going to clear all your doubts about the Topic “Is Benadryl Safe for Dogs?” Let’s jump into the topic

Can I give my Dog Benadryl? Benadryl Safe for Dogs?

Veterinarians recommend Benadryl for dogs on a fairly regular basis. So the very broad answer to this question is yes – in some situations, Benadryl can be administered to dogs.  However, a lot of things that you have to check carefully before going ahead and administer this medication to your pet.

The most important thing to look for is that the concrete product Benadryl has only contained diphenhydramine.

What is Benadryl?

The Benadryl is the trade name of a drug consisting of diphenhydramine. A drug that has antihistamine properties properly administered.

Generally, this medication and others like Claritin or Actifed are usually used to relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis stationary in humans. This type of drugs allows controlling the levels of histamine that reach the H1 receptors and thus alleviate the effects produced by allergies.

The use of this type of drugs is only indicated for humans. However, the properties of diphenhydramine make it also a drug that veterinarians often prescribe for allergies in dogs.

Below we see exactly what Benadryl can be used in our pets. Their recommended doses and their possible side effects

Benadryl for Dogs: what is it used for?

As in humans, the most common use of Benadryl in dogs is as an antihistamine to combat seasonal allergies. The symptoms that the dog experiences are similar to those of any human being and the antihistamine properties remain intact in them. Therefore, many veterinarians rely on this type of medication for dogs.

Benadryl for Dogs use

However, although this is usually the most frequent use of Benadryl or diphenhydramine in dogs. It can also be used in many other cases:

  • As a sedative, for example in cases where it is necessary to sedate dangerous or large animals or in smaller doses to reassure them during long journeys.
  • It is also commonly used as a tool to control the animal’s vomit.
  • It is effective enough to prevent dizziness.
  • Like other antihistamine medications that treat skin problems in humans. Benadryl also treats hives in dogs
  • Finally, Benadryl can also be used to counteract the side effects of other treatments. In these cases, it is more essential than ever that the veterinarian should decide whether or not it can be taken as it increases the risk of overexposing our dog to chemicals.

In any case, the medication should never use for other cases than those described. The administration of Benadryl to our dog should always supervise and control by a doctor and the recommended doses should never exceed.

On the other hand, it should notice that, due to the sedative properties of this drug. Its use is not recommended in animals that are destined for various jobs, such as rescue dogs, rescue dogs in collapses or carrying out activities that require his maximum physical and mental attention.

Benadryl for Dogs Recommended Doses

We must remember that dogs are not human beings and therefore the doses for them may differ from ours. In general, they vary depending on the age and weight of the dog. It is not advisable to give Benadryl to small or small dogs.

In general, the recommended dose of Benadryl for our dog is 0.4-0.8 mg per kilo of animal weight. This means that if the animal weighs 10 kg. The recommended dose will be between 12.5 and 25 mg. It can give a maximum of 2 or 3 times a day. Every 8 or 12 hours if symptoms persist. You should note that these data are general and that the dose depends on each case. More than anything, these data serve to know the doses that we should never overcome but, in any case, the veterinarian must decide.

It is best to give the medicine to the dog by mixing the tablet directly with its food, even coating it with a flavor that the animal likes especially.

Of course, you have to follow the veterinarian’s recommendations to the letter. We must pay attention to the exact doses and not give more shots than those recommended to the dog. Although we believe that it is not doing all the desired effect.

In case the symptoms do not disappear in about 5 – 7 days or become worse during the taking of the medication. The treatment should stop immediately and the veterinarian should consult.

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Side Effects of Benadryl for Dogs

If administered correctly, the possible side effects of Benadryl are usually quite mild. In some cases, a greater state of drowsiness can observe. Since it is an antihistamine that can have depressant effects on the central nervous system. The somnolent effects of the medication on the dog may decrease as it gets used to its intake.

Other side effects that can observe are diarrhea, lack of appetite, mood swings in the dog or dry mouth and the continued need to drink.

Benadryl for Dogs side effects

However, you should also notice that there are other risk factors that can increase the likelihood and severity of these side effects. For example:

  • Give this medication to dogs that are allergic to diphenhydramine.
  • Use it in animals that are taking other types of medicines that may contraindicate.
  • Give Benadryl to dogs that have a pathology incompatible with the drug, such as heart, lung or stomach problems. Dogs with glaucoma or high blood pressure.
  • On the other hand, the great risk factors are the owners themselves who sometimes medicate the animal on our own, believing that we are helping it. Overexposure of the animal to this medication can aggravate the side effects and even cause severe reactions.

Therefore, we will not tire of repeating it always. You have to go to the vet before giving Bendaryl to our dog. Otherwise, assume an unnecessary risk to the health of our pet. We recommended you to ask your vet before giving any new medicine or new food.


Hence, You have seen all the details about Benadryl for dogs and whether Benadryl safe for Dogs is not. Hope you would like the article.  All you doubts like how to euthanize a dog with Benadryl or how much Benadryl should be given as been cleared we think. Feel free to ask your questions if you have any doubts. Share the article and like us at social media sites. Stay tuned for Dogsfud for more do related articles.

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