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Can Dogs Eat Bread? Is It Safe & Healthy?

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As a responsible dog owner, you are likely concerned about the safety and nutritional value of each food item you give your pet.

Bread is a staple in households across the globe, so it’s natural to wonder how sharing a piece with your dog will impact its health.

Can dogs eat bread?

Keep reading to learn about the nutritional implications of feeding your dog bread!

Essential safety information regarding quantities and types of bread to feed your dog, plus more tips on this topic, are discussed below.

Can Dogs Eat Bread?

In short, dogs can eat certain types of bread only as a special treat.

Generally, plain bread is safe for dogs to consume occasionally and in small quantities.

But before feeding your dog any new foods, consider their specific allergies.

The risk of feeding your dog bread lies in the additional ingredients added to the loaf.

For example, you’d want to steer clear of a cinnamon raisin loaf, as raisins are among the Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods for Dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Bread Crusts?

Yes, dogs can eat bread crusts.

Maybe you’ve heard of the great crust controversy: whether or not there is a nutritional difference between the crust and the rest of the slice.

Despite this ongoing debate, we can affirm that dogs can safely eat the crust of a plain white or wheat loaf.

How About Gluten-Free Bread?

Dogs can eat gluten-free bread.

A major difference between gluten-free and regular bread is the use of hydrocolloids as a gluten substitute.

Hydrocolloids, such as xantham gum, are commonly found in wet pet food, so they are non-toxic for dogs.

Keep in mind that gluten-free bread contains even more fat and sugar than regular bread, which is all the more reason to consider it a once-in-a-while treat for your doggy!

Can Dogs Eat Banana Bread?

Banana bread is okay for dogs.

Dog owners should pay attention to the sugar content as well as other added ingredients in the banana bread that may be harmful.

For instance, avoid banana bread that includes chocolate chips.

Can Dogs Eat Garlic Bread?

No, dogs should not eat garlic bread.

Garlic is listed in the top 10 worst foods for your dog.

As a result, you should avoid offering your dog any kind of bread that contains garlic.

Additionally, garlic bread often contains more oil, butter, and salt than is recommended for a healthy canine diet.

Are Bread and Butter OK?

A small amount of bread and butter will not hurt your dog as long as there are no wheat or dairy allergies.

Be sure to watch the quantity of bread and butter your dog consumes, as butter is high in fat.

High-fat foods contribute to digestive issues in dogs and are generally unhealthy for them.

Is it Safe For Dogs to Eat Bread?

So long as your dog has no wheat allergies, a small amount of plain bread given occasionally is safe and non-toxic.

Dogs can digest bread similarly to humans, though they receive minimal nutritional benefit.

Take caution to refrain from feeding your canine uncooked bread dough.

Contact your vet immediately if your dog has consumed bread dough.

It can lead to severe and sometimes fatal gastrointestinal complications.

If ingested, the yeast in the bread dough will continue to cause it to rise in the dog’s stomach.

Toxic levels of ethanol are also released, and gastric distention occurs.

If given regularly, bread can contribute to unhealthy weight gain for dogs.

Bread is full of sugar, so like all treats, it should be given in moderation alongside a balanced diet with plenty of exercise.

Is Bread Good for Dogs With Upset Stomachs?

If your dog is prone to stomach irritation, it’s best to avoid feeding her bread.

Eating anything new, particularly foods like bread that are high in sugar, can cause or contribute to a dog’s upset stomach.

What Types of Bread Can Dogs Eat?

Dogs can safely eat many plain bread types, so long as they are cooked and do not contain added toppings.

  • Plain white or wheat: These types of bread are the safest options to feed your dog as an occasional snack. Remember that when it comes to your dog, the fewer added ingredients, the better.
  • Brown bread: Brown bread is another safe option for your dog, provided you’ve checked the ingredients for anything harmful.
  • Rye: Similar to other types of bread, only feed your dog rye bread in moderation. Rye bread contains no toxic ingredients for dogs, but it’s always a good idea to monitor your canine for grain sensitivities first.
  • Sourdough: Sourdough bread is likewise safe, given it is cooked and offered as a small snack.

How Much Bread Can Dogs Eat?

When considering a well-balanced canine diet, bread will classify as a treat.

Veterinarians advise that treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet.

Some detriments of feeding your canine friend too much bread are weight gain, upset digestion, and the risk of ingesting harmful added ingredients.

What Should You Do if Your Dog Eats Bread?

So your dog found his way into a loaf of bread!

Here are some tips to ensure your pet’s wellbeing:

  • Make sure it wasn’t moldy: Even if just one part of the bread is moldy, it’s likely the whole loaf is contaminated. Bread is a soft food, making it easy for mold to spread quickly throughout the loaf. In some cases, ingesting mold puts dogs at risk of gastrointestinal problems, so contact your vet if you suspect this occurred.
  • Check for symptoms: It’s a good idea to monitor your dog’s behavior for the next couple of days. Check for any unusual mannerisms when eating or going to the bathroom, as well as anything abnormal in their personality. Symptoms such as diarrhea, not eating, pacing, or unusual drooling are all possible consequences of ingesting too much bread.
  • Contact your vet: These symptoms can be alarming for any dog owner. For peace of mind, get in touch with a licensed veterinarian to determine the best course of action.

How Can You Feed Your Dog Bread?

When feeding your dog bread, it is best to provide it in small, once-in-a-while doses.

You can serve bread in pieces and mix them in with your dog’s food.

Alternatively, you can feed your dog a plain bread slice or toasted bread.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions regarding bread for dogs.

Why do dogs love bread?

The same reason many humans enjoy bread: it’s full of sugar.

On top of that, your dog is food motivated. And he loves you, so it makes sense he wants to share your food!

Your dog is counting on you to keep him safe and healthy, so be sure to avoid feeding him bread regularly, despite how he might beg!

Is cheese bad for dogs?

Just like bread, cheese is a safe treat on occasion. However, excess amounts result in health complications, such as diarrhea. Read more on dogs eating cheese here.

So, Can Dogs Eat Bread?

In summary, plain breads are non-toxic for dogs, though it’s crucial to watch out for a couple of things.

For the health of your pup, keep the portion of bread small and only offer it occasionally.

Added toppings in bread can be harmful, so it is recommended that you serve the bread plain.

And lastly, be sure the bread is fully cooked!

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