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Can Dogs Eat Ginger? How Much Can They Have? What Types?

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I see this question often.

A friend may have suggested you feed your dog ginger for health benefits, but can dogs eat ginger?

I’ve decided to compile this quick guide for all dog owners wondering whether it’s okay to feed your dog ginger.

Read on to find out.

Can Dogs Eat Ginger?

The quick answer?

Yes, dogs can eat ginger. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that.

Dogs should only eat ginger in small quantities. Feeding your dog too much ginger can lead to health issues.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Ginger?

Yes. Dogs can eat raw ginger, but it’s best not to feed your dog raw ginger plain.

The taste can be pretty sharp, and your dog might not like it.

Besides, your dog will stomach ginger better if you mix it with other food.

Can Dogs Eat Pickled Ginger?

Pickled ginger is not toxic to your dog in and of itself.

However, it isn’t an optimal way to incorporate ginger into your dog’s diet.

Firstly, pickled ginger contains a lot of salt.

The high sodium levels in pickled ginger can lead to various health problems.

While a bit of pickled ginger probably won’t harm your dog, a diet high in sodium can lead to high blood pressure, aggravated heart disease, and kidney disease.

In addition, many dogs don’t like the taste of vinegar or citric acid and may avoid pickled ginger.

Can Dogs Eat Ginger Biscuits?

Ginger biscuits are not a good way to incorporate ginger into your dog’s diet.

Small amounts of biscuits are generally non-harmful to dogs.

However, ginger biscuits often have a high sugar content, which can harm your pet.

It could also aggravate the risk of diabetes.

In addition, some ginger biscuits may contain nuts harmful to dogs.

Ginger biscuits may also contain processed ingredients that aren’t good for your dog in the long run.

Besides, some dogs may have an allergy or sensitivity to some grains.

Can Dogs Eat Gingerbread?

Dogs also shouldn’t eat gingerbread due to the high levels of sugar and fats in gingerbread.

In addition, some dogs may be sensitive to grains.

While ginger is okay for your dog, avoid cookies, biscuits, and other sweets that contain ginger.

Is Ginger Good for Dogs?

A little ginger is good for your dog.

It can provide various health benefits as long as you don’t overdo it.

Following are the top benefits of feeding your dog ginger.

Settle the Stomach

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.

Small amounts of ginger can help calm an upset stomach.

Some fresh ginger might be beneficial if your dog is suffering from nausea and vomiting.

You may also want to consider feeding your dog ginger before a trip to stave off motion sickness.

Many humans find that ginger helps calm an upset stomach, and dogs are no different.

Ginger can also help reduce gas and bloating in dogs.

Antioxidants and Vitamins

Ginger has a wide range of antioxidants and vitamins.

Your dog can benefit from ginger’s potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C.

In addition, ginger has many medicinal and antimicrobial properties.

Feeding your dog a bit of ginger from time to time can help protect it from diseases and illnesses.

It can boost your dog’s immune system and keep it healthier overall.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, as I already mentioned.

Not only can those properties help cure an upset stomach, but they can also protect your dog from other symptoms of inflammation.

For example, if your dog is suffering from arthritis, feeding it some ginger can relieve the pain and discomfort.

It can also treat joint pain and reduce your dog’s blood pressure while improving heart health.

What Are the Risks of Feeding Ginger to Dogs?

At the same time, ginger can also pose several risks to dogs.

Most of these side effects are not common, but the potential risk remains.

Blood Thinning

Ginger contains salicylates, a natural blood thinner.

Excessive blood thinning could lead to internal bleeding.

A bit of ginger won’t harm most dogs as long as they have a good diet rich in nutrients and are otherwise healthy.

However, if your dog has diabetes, feeding it ginger and other blood-thinning foods can be outright dangerous.

If your dog has heart disease, the same applies.

Similarly, ginger may not be appropriate if your dog is taking medication or preparing for surgery.

You’d need to ask its vet whether ginger might interact with its drugs or make surgery riskier.

Upset Stomach

While ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help calm the stomach, it also has the potential to cause stomach upset.

Heartburn is one of ginger’s most common side effects, especially when you give your dog too much at a time and feed it raw ginger without mixing it with food.

However, large amounts of ginger can also cause diarrhea, gas, and stomach pain, especially if your dog has a sensitive stomach.

That’s why it’s essential to start small, with tiny portions of ginger, so you can see how your dog reacts.

Every dog will tolerate ginger differently.

How To Feed Ginger to Your Dog

Now that you understand the potential benefits and risks of ginger for dogs, and you’ve decided to feed your dog ginger, here’s how to do that properly.  

Cut Off Skin

You don’t have to peel the skin off the ginger you feed to your dog.

However, you may find that your dog doesn’t like the taste of ginger peel.

In addition, the ginger peel has more fiber, so if your dog has a sensitive stomach, it can exacerbate side effects like diarrhea.

Cutting off the peel is tedious and time-consuming, but I recommend trying it to see if it helps your dog tolerate ginger better.

In addition, peeling the ginger will make it easier to mince, which is the next step.

Mince Root

Mincing the ginger root will make it easier for your dog to digest.

In addition, it will make it easier to mix the ginger with your dog’s meals.

Start by cutting the peeled ginger into thin slices, like coins.

Then, cut those small slices into long, thin pieces, like matchsticks.

Then, use a sharp knife to cut those small matchstick slices horizontally.

You can also use a food processor to mince ginger.

If you don’t have a food processor, you can use a mortar and pestle to crush the ginger.

You can then mix it in with your dog’s food.

In Capsules

If doing all that sounds like too much work, you can buy capsules with minced ginger for dogs.

These capsules make it easy to feed your dog ginger.

They also make rationing the ginger easy, as you just have to follow the instructions on the packet.

How Much Ginger Should Your Dog Eat?

Always start small – around ¼ of a teaspoon.

Once you establish that your dog can tolerate ginger, you can give it a full dose, depending on the breed’s size.

If your dog is under 1-0 pounds, stick to ¼ of a teaspoon of minced ginger daily.

You can give it half a teaspoon if your dog is over 10-40 pounds.

If your dog is larger than that, you can provide it with ¾ of a teaspoon.

More than a daily teaspoon is probably too much for most dogs.

Final Thoughts

So, can dogs eat ginger?

Yes, and it provides many health benefits.

However, you shouldn’t feed your dog too much ginger, and diabetic dogs should also avoid ginger.

It’s best to talk with a vet before deciding to feed your dog ginger so you can get professional advice.

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