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Can Dogs Eat Pears? Are They Safe and Healthy For Them?

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I know from experience when I prepare food that my dog will sit and watch me with the saddest eyes in the world – often after she has just eaten!

Our instinct is to share food with dogs, but it can’t be at the expense of their health.

Foods that are safe and healthy for humans aren’t always safe and healthy for our furry friends.

Many dogs love fruit, so you may be wondering which fruits are safe for them to eat.

Pears are a common fruit that you can find in most grocery stores.

But can dogs eat pears?

The Basics

In general, pears are safe and healthy for dogs to eat.

Pears have plenty of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C and Vitamin K, and also contain fiber.

They’re also:

  • Fat-free
  • Sodium-free
  • Cholesterol-free

What’s not to love?

As part of a balanced diet with lean proteins, healthy fats, and fiber, pears can be a great addition to your dog’s meal or a healthy snack.

However, there are some caveats.

Not all pears are created equal, and there are some cases where a dog shouldn’t eat pears.

Can Dogs Eat Pears with Skin?

So can dogs eat pears with skin?

In general, pear skin is safe for dogs to eat.

The skin has fiber and beneficial plant compounds, like lutein and zeaxanthin.

Be sure to wash the skin well to remove residue, pesticides, and chemicals.

High quantities of pear skin might give your dog gastrointestinal issues like an upset stomach or diarrhea because of the fiber content, so it’s best to limit it to small chunks of pear.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Pears?

Canned pears aren’t healthy for dogs, like most canned fruit.

Canned pears have high quantities of sugars and syrups that can cause an upset stomach, obesity, and diabetes.

If you decide to give your dog pears, ensure they’re fresh pears.

Can Dogs Have Pear Seeds?

Dogs can’t have pear seeds or the seeds from most stone fruits.

Pear seeds contain traces of the toxin cyanide, which can be lethal for your dog in large quantities.

If your dog accidentally swallows a pear seed, it will probably be fine, but don’t feed chunks of pear from the core of the fruit.

The core contains the most seeds, so it’s safest to give your dog chunks from around the edges of the fruit.

Are Pears Healthy for Your Dog?

Pears are a nutritious food with:

  • Vitamins
  • Antioxidants
  • Beneficial plant compounds
  • Fiber

In small quantities, pears can be a great choice to feed your dog either as a treat or as part of a balanced diet.

But just because pears are a healthy food doesn’t mean that dogs should eat a lot of them consistently – they’re best for your dog in moderation.

Can Pears Be Dangerous for Your Dog?

Yes, they can.

Pear seeds contain cyanide, a toxin that can be lethal in large quantities.

They also pose a choking risk.

Pears are naturally high in sugar, which can cause stomach issues if consumed in large quantities.

Pear skin often has pesticides and chemicals that can harm your dog.

The Danger of Excess Sugar

A medium-sized pear contains 15g of sugar.

That’s too much for a dog to eat at once, especially if your dog is small.

Smaller amounts daily are safer, but you should still look to limit the amount of sugar you’re feeding your pup.

Excess sugar can cause health issues, including:

  • An upset stomach
  • Obesity
  • Mouth cavities
  • Metabolic changes
  • Diabetes

The Danger for Diabetic Dogs

Diabetic dogs can eat limited amounts of fruit, including pears.

The fiber content of fruit slows digestion and prevents large blood sugar spikes.

However, diabetic dogs shouldn’t eat large quantities of pears – and certainly not canned pears, which are saturated with sugar.

Excess sugar consumption in diabetic dogs can lead to life-threatening conditions.

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Pears?

Dogs can be allergic to food the same way humans are, and this includes pears.

Allergies can start when the dog is young or develop later in life after the dog has eaten the food many times.

Allergies are from a hyperactive immune system that mistakes a foreign substance like food for something harmful.

Dogs with an allergic reaction to pears might have itching, upset stomach, or more serious conditions like anaphylaxis.

When giving your dog a new food, always give them a small piece and watch their reaction.

How Many Pears Can Dogs Eat?

Because pears are high in sugar, you should limit the number of pears you feed your dog.

Eating excessive sugar can cause a myriad of health issues for dogs.

It’s best to include chunks of pear with their regular food or give small portions as a treat.

You shouldn’t feed your dog whole pears or more than one pear.

How To Feed Pears to Dogs

Here’s how to feed pear to dogs.


Before feeding a pear to your dog, you need to thoroughly wash the skin under running water.

Pear skin contains residues, chemicals, and pesticides that are potentially harmful to your dog.

Wipe the skin dry with a cloth or paper towel after washing.

Remove Stems and Seeds

The seeds in a pear contain traces of cyanide and can be poisonous to your dog.

They also pose a choking hazard.

Your dog could also choke on the stem, so you should remove it too.

Slice Up

After you’ve cleaned the pear and removed the seeds and stem, you can cut the fruit into bite-sized chunks for your pup to munch on.

Don’t feed large pieces to your dog as they also can be a choking hazard.

Feed a Small Amount

Pear is safe and healthy for your dog in small amounts.

Don’t feed excessive amounts of pear to your dog because of the high sugar content.

Why Does My Dog Love Pears?

Pears have a semi-sweet taste and a nice crunch.

Your dog might enjoy eating them because they can be a refreshing treat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few answers to frequently asked questions about dog-friendly fruits.

What fruits can’t dogs eat?

There are a handful of fruits that aren’t safe for dogs.

Some notable examples are avocado, the green parts of a tomato, and raisins.

Grapes are toxic for dogs and can cause sudden, acute kidney failure.

On the other hand, avocados have toxins in the pit, skin, and leaves.

Is watermelon safe for dogs?

Watermelon is a safe and healthy treat that many dogs love.

It can also be a hydrating treat during the warmer months because of its high water content.

But always remove the seeds first, and don’t feed the rind to your dog.

Wrapping Up

So can dogs eat pears? In moderation, pears are a safe and healthy fruit to feed your dog.

They contain vitamins, antioxidants, beneficial minerals, and fiber.

However, just because pears are safe and healthy doesn’t mean they should be the main part of their diet.

You can give your dog pear as part of a balanced diet or as a treat.

Always wash the pear well, remove seeds and stems, and cut them into bite-sized chunks.

Because of the high sugar content in pears, you shouldn’t feed your dog large quantities of pears.

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