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When Do Chihuahuas Stop Growing?

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Chihuahuas are known for being one of the smallest dog breeds out there.

If you have one, you likely expect it to be small its whole life, but exactly when do Chihuahuas stop growing?

We’ll give you everything you need to know, including how old your dog will likely be when it stops growing, how big it will get, and factors that may affect its growth.

We’ll also tell you how to measure your Chihuahua, what to do if its weight is off, and how to determine if it has a growth disorder.

Lastly, we’ll go through the growth stages of Chihuahuas and answer some questions you may have.

When Do Chihuahuas Stop Growing?

Chihuahuas become fully grown when they are around 10 months old.

At this age, they usually reach both their maximum height and weight.

This represents an average.

Some dogs may take more or less time to reach their maximum size.

You may notice that your Chihuahua grows rapidly for the first eight or nine months of its life and then grows more slowly for a couple of months.

This is normal, as growth slows significantly around a month before Chihuahuas reach their maximum size.

What Is the Size of a Full-Grown Chihuahua?

Full-grown Chihuahuas usually average between two to six pounds.

A grown Chihuahua will also be about six to nine inches tall from the bottom of its feet to the top of its shoulders.

However, some Chihuahuas may be taller or weigh a little more.

If you’re unsure if your Chihuahua’s height or weight is healthy, speak to a trusted veterinarian.

What Affects a Chihuahua’s Growth?

If you believe your Chihuahua’s growth is abnormal, a few factors may be at play.

It is always best to speak to a veterinarian if anything appears abnormal with your dog.

Some factors affecting your Chihuahua’s growth could be genetics, nutrition, physical activity, hormones, and general health.

We’ll go over each of these factors in a little more detail.


Some dogs are genetically predisposed to be larger or smaller than average.

A vet can tell you if this is the case with your dog.

It is usually not an issue if your dog is otherwise healthy.


Poor nutrition can affect the way your dog grows.

Be sure to feed your Chihuahua the recommended diet for their age and size to ensure they grow and develop healthily.

Physical Activity

The right amount of physical activity is vital to ensuring a young dog grows properly.

Keep your puppy active, but do not over-exert them.


Some hormonal imbalances affect how a young Chihuahua grows.

Your vet can diagnose these imbalances and tell you how to treat them.


Overall health is crucial in ensuring your dog grows properly.

Illness and injury can cause growth abnormalities, so talk to your vet if your dog becomes sick or hurt.

How to Properly Weigh and Measure a Chihuahua

If you are curious about your Chihuahua’s size, here’s how to weigh and measure them:

The most accurate way to measure your dog’s weight is to take them to their vet where they can weigh them on a dog scale.

Some vets even have scales designed for little dogs specifically.

You can measure your Chihuahuhua’s weight at home, but their weight may not register on human scales.

So, weigh yourself first with your dog and then without.

Then, subtract your weight from the weight of you and your dog to get your Chihuahua’s approximate weight.

To measure your Chihuahua’s height, use a tape measure and calculate its height from the bottom of its feet to the top of its shoulders.

What If Your Chihuahua Is Not the Right Weight?

If you believe your Chihuahua is over or underweight, there are a few ways you can remedy the issue.

The remedies include examining their diet and routine, changing their diet, and seeking help from a vet.

Examine Diet and Routine

Note how much your Chihuahua eats, what they eat, and how much exercise they are getting.

If you believe one of these factors is inadequate, try changing it to see if it helps your dog’s weight.

Change Diet

Not all dog food is created equal.

Some foods are more nutritious than others and can help with weight management.

Try switching your Chihuahua’s food to see if it helps their weight.

Seek Vet’s Help

If none of these changes work, it may be time to seek assistance from a vet.

Tell your vet you are concerned about your dog’s weight, and mention all food and treats they consume and their exercise routine.

Your vet may be able to suggest a remedy to the issue or recommend a treatment plan.

How To Know if Your Chihuahua Has a Growth Disorder

There are a couple of ways to determine if your Chihuahua has a growth disorder.

We’ll walk you through these methods, including what symptoms to look for and how to receive a diagnosis.


The symptoms of growth disorders in Chihuahuas include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Dermatological issues
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Seizures
  • Hyperactivity

Diagnosis from a Vet

If you believe your dog has a growth disorder make an appointment with their veterinarian.

Be sure to mention any symptoms and voice that you believe your Chihuahua has a growth disorder.

Chihuahua Growth Stages

Just like anyone, Chihuahuas grow and change throughout their lives.

We’ll go through what happens during their different growth stages.

  • Infancy Size: From one to eight weeks, your puppy will be its smallest. It may only weigh a few ounces and will gain weight quickly.
  • Puppyhood Size: Your Chihuahua will continue to grow rapidly from two to 10 months and will get close to its adult size, which will be around two to six pounds.
  • Adulthood Size: Chihuahuas are adults from about 10 months to 10 years old. They should remain nearly the same weight throughout this time.
  • Senior: Senior Chihuahuas are over 10 years old and should remain near their adult weight. However, age-related health issues may cause this weight to fluctuate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Chihuahua growth:

Will your Chihuahua still grow after being neutered?

For small dogs, including Chihuahuas, neutering generally does not affect growth.

Small dogs often get spayed or neutered at six to eight months old.

If you are nervous about the effects of neutering on your puppy’s growth, talk to a vet about their recommendations for your dog.

How can you tell how big a Chihuahua will get?

If you wish to predict how big your Chihuahua will get, tracking its weight for the first few months of its life is the best way to get an accurate prediction.

To do this, keep a weekly chart that details your dog’s weight and how much they’ve gained that week.

When you have enough data points, you can compare them to predict the final weight of your puppy.

You can also graph the weekly weight of your Chihuahua to visualize their growth pattern.


We hope we have helped you understand many of the factors that go into your Chihuahua’s weight and size throughout its life.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to leave us a comment on this article.

Hopefully, we have prepared you to reach that 10-month milestone when your Chihuahua will likely stop growing.

We hope we have helped you feel ready to take care of your little one during this important stage.

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