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What Fruits Can Dogs Eat? What Fruits are Safe for Dogs?

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Fruits Can Dogs Eat: Just like some good vegetables for the dog, Fruits can bring a real plus to one’s health. And in terms of food, do not hesitate to vary the pleasures. This is also true for your dog who will be delighted to taste new flavors, especially if he is used to kibbles and pate.

Your dog seems to enjoy the fruits but you do not know if you can give him some? So that is the main reason why this article comes to help all the dog owners who don’t know which fruit to give for dogs.

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat
What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

So in this article, We have provided the best fruits which dogs can eat without any problem. We have listed all the healthy fruits which benefit dog health. Keep reading to know what fruits can your dog eat.

Why We Should Give Fruit to Dogs?

We know that the dogs are carnivorous. As it is appreciated and detects particularly sweet taste, a capacity inherited from his wild ancestors who would have developed to appreciate the fruits in nature and also food energy suppliers. Although they have become quite optional in the diet of the domestic dog fed with kibble.

Fruits nevertheless remain sources of nutrients of interest such as vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. If the dog appreciates them, therefore, they can be given to him as a little “beside”… provided you do not abuse it. In case of excess, the richness of the fruit in fiber can cause intestinal problems in the dog and their richness in simple sugars can unbalance the food ration of your dog.

List of Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Do not hesitate to offer him a healthy and varied diet that will allow him to stay in good shape throughout the year. And what’s more refreshing than a fruit, especially in summer? We have selected delicious fruits for your dog, all perfect for your dog’s dietary needs. Let’s check them Now…

Dogs Can Eat Melon

Melon is the summer fruit for excellence. Very fresh, it is perfect to drink when temperatures start to rise. It is a source of vitamins C and A, both antioxidants.

Dogs Can Eat Melon

Very digestible and above all rich in water along just a little sweet. You can give your dog without worrying about possible heaviness and just be careful not to overload his digestive abilities. In addition, it is very low in calorie and therefore, is an ideal snack for your dog.

  • How Much Melon Can We Give for Dogs?

You can give 30g to 50g per day for smaller dogs and between 100g and 150g per day for larger dogs. We recommend you to visit the vet and ask him. He can check your dog’s condition and suggest the best diet and best fruit for dogs.

Dogs Can Eat Watermelon

Yes, Dogs can eat watermelon and it is Composed of 92% water, it is very refreshing too. Watermelon contains fiber, some vitamins, a mineral chouilla, and antioxidants. Which benefits the dog in many things {Check this article for more information on Watermelon for Dogs}

can dogs eat watermelon

It also contains carotenoids that can help fight inflammation. You can offer it as a snack to your dog and it will revel in this refreshing and very tasty fruit.

  • How Many watermelons Can We Give for Dogs?

The quantity of watermelon for dogs are as follows: You can give 30g to 50g per day for smaller dogs and between 100g and 150g per day for larger dogs. As I said above, contact the vet for the best suggestions.

Dogs Can Eat Pear

The pear is one of the favorite fruits of dogs. It appreciates its sweet taste. With vitamins, pear is also a good source of fiber. Be careful to remove the seeds before serving your dog, as they could be toxic. Make sure to check your dog’s reaction after feeding any new item for him.

Are Pears Good For Dogs

  • How Much Pears Can We Give?

You can give 20g of pears for dogs a day for smaller puppies and a little less than 100g pears for dogs a day for larger dogs.

Dogs Can Eat Strawberries

Strawberries contain fiber and vitamin C. They are also known to contain an enzyme that makes teeth whiter. There are many benefits for dogs if you give strawberries to eat.

Dogs Can Eat Strawberries

Your dog will not only be satiated but he will also have the smile of a star. However, they contain a lot of sugar. It is therefore recommended not to give at will to your dog.

  • How Many Strawberries Can We Give for Dogs?

You can give 20g of strawberries a day for smaller puppies, and 80g of strawberries a day for larger dogs.

Dogs Can Eat Mango

This delicious fruit is ideal during the summer season. Extremely tasty, it will delight your dog and his taste buds. It contains vitamins A, B6, C, and E. Mango is also a source of potassium, beta, and alpha-carotene. It helps to boost the immune system of your dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Mango

You can offer it to your dog but be careful with the quantity because it contains a lot of sugars. Also, remember to remove the core and the skin before giving it.

  • How Many Mangoes Can We Give for Dogs?

You can give 20g of Mangoes a day for smaller puppies and less than 100g of Mangoes a day for larger dogs.

Dogs Can Eat Cranberry

You can give your dog cranberry in its natural or dried form. This small red berry is known to help fight effectively against kidney problems, as well as to prevent them.

Dogs Can Eat Cranberry

You can also give it to your dog in the form of capsules. However, be careful not to give too much because his stomach might not support it.

  • How Many Cranberry Can We Give for Dogs?

You can give 20g of cranberry for dogs a day for smaller puppies, and a little less than 100g of cranberry for dogs a day for larger dogs.

Dogs Can Eat Banana

Banana Composed of potassium, vitamins, and fiber. It is a great source of prebiotics that also helps improve the quality of the hair.

However, avoid giving it too often. Banana’s are Rich in calories, it is a good treat but watch out for weight gain if you give it to your dog on a daily basis.

  • How Many Banana Can We Give for Dogs?

You can give 20g of Banana a day for smaller puppies and a less than 100g of banana a day for larger dogs.

Some More Fruits Allowed for Dogs


Except for particular contraindications, the fruits that can be given without problem to the dog are the following ones:

  • Apple
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberries
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Melon
  • Watermelon
  • Papaya
  • Blueberries
  • Cranberries
  • Peaches

Take care of course to peel the fruits that require it before giving them to your dog and remove the seeds (apple, melon …) or the stones in the case of apricot or peach.

Fruits to Limit in Dogs

Some fruits, although not toxic are limited in dogs because of their high acidity, high sugar content and high fiber content. It is possible to give them very occasionally and in very small quantities. They are as follows

Some fruits rich in sorbitol are also to be limited. This type of sugar may be responsible for gas, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea in susceptible dogs from an instinctive point of view. We find mostly in:

  • Pear,
  • Dried Apricots
  • Prunes

So these are some of them which we should limit in dogs because of their high amount of Sugar contains.

Points to Keep in Mind While Giving Fruits for Dogs

  • Be careful, some fruits such as grapes that can cause serious health problems are to be banned from the diet of your dog.
  • Also, make sure that the consumption of certain fruits is not contraindicated with his state of health. Best if in doubt? It’s always asking the advice of your veterinarian.
  • Be sure to remove the skin and seeds found in the fruits to avoid any risk of intoxication or indigestion.

How Much Fruit to Give for Dog?

If you want to give fruits to your dog as treats, there is no strictly speaking recommendations of quantities to be respected. Above all, it is common sense that matters. The amount of fruit given to his dog must not unbalance his daily food intake nor disrupt his intestinal balance. So be reasonable in the quantities of fruit distributed to your dog and limit yourself for example to a small quarter of a fresh apple per day for a dog of fifteen kilos.

How much fruits can we give for dog

As a rule of thumb, always try to be aware of the amounts of small “sidings” given to your pet by converting to the weight of a human being. 25g of apple given to a 10kg dog is like giving the equivalent of 2 apples to a 70kg adult male. If these two apples are added to already complete meals, it is more calories that will be added to his ration! Think about it!

Finally, if you want to introduce fruit into your dog’s diet or even opt for a BARF diet (raw food based), be sure to do it gradually. So as not to disturb its digestion and always remember to remove the kernels and seeds when you prepare it.


Hence, you have got the complete list of fruits which you can give to dogs without any issues when you feed in the recommended way like removing the seeds and skin of the fruit. We also mentioned some fruits which you can give to dogs but limited. We hope you like the article and willing to share with your friend and family members at social media networks. Feel free to ask your question in the comment box below. Stay tuned to dogsfud for more dog related articles.

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